Reproduced with permission of Nathan Co, author & founder of Chinese Ancestry Research
Clan Visit: The Philanthropy of Leong Khay Huay Kuan
“We’re Roping in the Clan and Hometown Associations!”
July 19, 2024
Yesterday, Chinese Ancestry Research once again joined forces with the 新加坡族谱学会 (GSS) to organize a remarkable meeting with Leong Khay Huay Kuan. The event kicked off with Mr. Ng Yew Kang 黃友江, president of GSS, warmly introducing us to the Vice President of Leong Khay Huay Kuan, Mr. Zhōu JùnQīng 周俊清. Soon after, we were joined by other passionate members such as Mr. Guō FúTōng 郭福通 and Yáng Qiáng 楊強, who brought an infectious enthusiasm to the gathering.
July 19, 2024
Yesterday, Chinese Ancestry Research once again joined forces with the 新加坡族谱学会 (GSS) to organize a remarkable meeting with Leong Khay Huay Kuan. The event kicked off with Mr. Ng Yew Kang 黃友江, president of GSS, warmly introducing us to the Vice President of Leong Khay Huay Kuan, Mr. Zhōu JùnQīng 周俊清. Soon after, we were joined by other passionate members such as Mr. Guō FúTōng 郭福通 and Yáng Qiáng 楊強, who brought an infectious enthusiasm to the gathering.
After exchanging pleasantries, Mr. Yáng Qiáng 楊強 captivated us with the story of his ancestral home, Lóngxī 龍溪, now a part of Lónghǎi District 龍海區 in Zhāngzhōu 漳州, Fújiàn Province 福建省. According to Mr. Yáng, “Lóngxī 龍溪 was a bustling maritime port during the Míng Dynasty 明朝. The ancient Yuègǎng 月港 in Lóngxī was one of the prominent ports along the Maritime Silk Road, facilitating extensive international trade. Alongside Fúzhōu Port 福州港 during the Hàn and Táng Dynasties, Quánzhōu Port 泉州港during the Sòng and Yuán Dynasties, and Xiàmén Port 廈門港during the Qīng Dynasty, Yuègǎng played a crucial role in Fujian’s maritime history, collectively known as the ‘Four Great Commercial Ports’ in Fujian’s history.”
Driven by our members’ deep interest in history, Chinese Ancestry Research delved into the rich past of Lóngxī 龍溪縣. We discovered that it was established in the sixth year of the Datong reign 大同六年 (540 CE) of Emperor Wǔ of Liáng 梁武帝 during the Southern Dynasties 南朝. Imagine, a legacy stretching back almost 1500 years!
During the Míng and Qīng Dynasties, over 1.2 million descendants from Lónghǎi 龍海 emigrated to Taiwan, making it the ancestral home of many Taiwanese. These immigrants also significantly influenced the development of Taiwanese Minnan Hokkien, with a distinct Zhāngzhōu 漳州 accent.
From the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, many residents of Lóngxī 龍溪 ventured to Southeast Asia, seeking new opportunities. Their primary destinations included Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines. Upon arrival, they relied on the support of fellow villagers to adapt and thrive. In Singapore, a group of these immigrants from Lóngxī 龍溪 formed the Singapore Leong Khay Huay Kuan 新加坡龍溪會館 in 1939 to better serve their community and preserve their cultural heritage.
In 1960, Lóngxī 龍溪 and Hǎichéng 海澄 were merged to form Lónghǎi County 龍海縣, which eventually became Lónghǎi District 龍海區. Today, the district spans 979 square kilometers with a population of 956,200 as of 2023.
Before we could even suggest ancestry searches and family reconnections, the members of Leong Khay Huay Kuan eagerly proposed reuniting people of Fujian origin, especially those from Lóngxī 龍溪 and the broader city of Zhāngzhōu. They offered to be the hub of support for our ancestry searches for those tracing their roots back to Zhāngzhōu. This generous proposal was music to our ears!
Towards the end of our enlightening meeting, the Huay Kuan members highlighted their strong commitment to education and community support. They aim to foster academic excellence and social welfare among their members. Through their scholarship programs, the association provides essential financial assistance to students, encouraging the pursuit of higher education and professional development. Additionally, the association is deeply committed to community support, offering a range of welfare programs and services to members in need, including aid for the elderly and vulnerable. By promoting educational opportunities and ensuring the well-being of its community, the Singapore Lóngxī Association 新加坡龍溪會館 plays a pivotal role in preserving cultural heritage and enhancing the quality of life for its members. The organization, no doubt, instills in its members a strong sense of community and giving, making “paying it forward” a guiding theme of its contributions to society.
Mr. Zhōu 周 shared: “Leong Khay Huay Kuan has productive assets that bring in good yearly returns on its investments, which are 100% channeled into philanthropic causes, including financial aid to its members —especially in education —and to society at large. Unlike many other clan or hometown associations in Singapore, we attract many young members. Look, here is our list of officers, many of whom are in their 30s and 40s.” He proudly showed us the organization chart of its officers prominently displayed on the walls of their premises. A Google search on Leong Khay Huay Kuan revealed a long list of links to the organization’s good work amongst the myriad of local universities. A big wow and hats off!
What a perfect conclusion to a day brimming with discovery, connection, and a profound sense of belonging!
What a fitting end to a day filled with discovery, connection, and a deep sense of belonging. If you haven’t yet explored your local clan association, I urge you to do so. You never know what treasures of history and heritage await you!
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