
1.1 将在追踪家族史方面获得优先协助

1.2 将优先参加由协会或我们的合作伙伴组织的讲座、研讨会和其他活动

1.3 将获得协会组织的付费项目的优惠,例如祖地的遗产之旅

1.4 Will receive 5 copies of a hand book in Chinese published by the Society entitled ‘新加坡华族谱系’(while stock lasts)

2.1 将在追踪家族史方面获得初步协助

2.2 Will be invited to attend talks, workshops or other activities organised by the Society, subject to availability of seats after life members have taken their places

2.3 协会组织的付费项目将收取费用加成

3.1. Will receive preliminary assistance in tracing family history

3.2. Will be invited to attend talks, workshops or other activities organised by the Society, subject to availability of seats after life members have taken their places

3.3. Will be charged cost plus for paid programmes organised by the Society


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