
新加坡家谱学会于 2012 年 7 月 28 日成立。
At GSS, we aim to establish and provide a forum for anyone interested in genealogy and ancestral studies to meet, interact, share and exchange knowledge. We also hope to educate members and the general public in the field of genealogy, so as to create greater awareness and interest that promote the advancement of our multi-racial, cross-cultural heritage, customs and traditions. The circle in our logo denotes the happy union of all people with their beloved ancestors through roots tracing. The rhythmical lines within the circle symbolise the turning pages of a family history book, doubling as billowing sails of boats by which our ancestors arrived on our shores.
Situated in the heart of Southeast Asia, Singapore has long been a must-stop for travelling merchants over the centuries. Eventually, these merchants and later immigrants settled in Singapore, creating a melting pot of diverse cultures.

With this historical and geographical advantage, we seek to collaborate with relevant government bodies, institutions, civic societies and individuals from Singapore and beyond who share similar interests, so as to better achieve the objectives of our Society.

i. To establish a forum to attract intellectuals, scholars and persons interested in genealogy, ancestral studies and research, thus providing the opportunity for them to meet, interact, share and exchange knowledge gained.
GSS 里程碑时间表
- 启动家谱合作伙伴在线计划系列
- 与国家文物局组织在线合作活动
推出 GSS Online Talk 系列
- 与新加坡华族文化中心签署谅解备忘录
- 由 Cyprian Lim 推出 GSS 刊物“我的母性 - 家庭、信仰和自由的故事”
- 参加国家图书馆阅读! 2019 年巨星
新加坡家谱学会于 7 月 28 日成立