

章庆裕在《章氏家族史: 三种文化的故事与车宫村的历史》记载其家族历史以及家族成员对早期新加坡社会的贡献。本书追究其家族史,涵盖的空间包括新加坡、中国以及泰国,时间的跨度超越半个世纪。全书分两部分。第一部分讲述三种文化的故事:首先是探讨章氏在汕头县澄海区漳林古港镇的祖籍和祖居的文化、其次追溯章氏家族在泰国的支系与文化,最后是探索章庆裕母亲的家族与文化。第二部分侧重新加坡章氏家族在车宫村的历史。车宫村章氏族人秉着其甘榜精神和基层社会使命感,彼此守望相助,为村民设立免费医务所、义务消防队。为促进邻里情谊与培养兴趣,村内族人进一步组织业余的潮剧团。1960年代新加坡社会动荡不安,章氏家族以草根视角见证印度尼西亚-马来西亚对抗、新加坡种族暴动等事件。无论是温馨的村民情感抑或建国初期种族矛盾造成的社会骚动,《章氏家族史》以笔墨留下车宫村民的集体记忆。

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    • “SPS Chua, thank you very much for gracing the launch of Bernard’s book ‘The Chiang Family History – A Tale of Three Cultures and the then Kampong Chia Keng’. My colleagues, Bernard’s family and I greatly appreciate your squeezing your busy schedule to be our Guest of Honour. ” – GSS President Ng Yew Kang to SPS Eric Chua
    • “Mr Ng, thank you very much for inviting me to GSS’ event. It was a privilege for me to be there to witness the ground-up and extensive efforts on the ground, including Bernard’s extensive work for 17 years… contributing to the building of our Singapore story. Many thanks once again. Keep well and do keep in touch.” – SPS Eric Chua to GSS President Ng Yew Kang 

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