Reproduced with permission of Nathan Co, author & founder of Chinese Ancestry Research
Clan Visit: Visit to the Ho San Gong Hui, 26 May 2024
Just about two weeks ago, as I was scouring the web for information on clan associations for members of Chinese Ancestry Research, I stumbled upon something that immediately caught my eye: Ho San Gong Hui 禾山公會 in Singapore. Intriguing, right? What’s the connection? Well, He San 禾山 is a place on Xiamen Island in Fujian where my maternal clan, the House of Lu 呂厝, hails from. With a flutter of excitement, I shot them an email to learn more about their organization. Not long after, I received a warm reply from a lady named Mabel: “Our association is for people and ancestors who originated from 禾山 and are now in Singapore.” Bingo! I shared my family background, and they graciously invited me for a visit.
The highlight of my visit? Being invited to join them for a sumptuous lunch. The spread was a delightful home-cooked feast: aromatic bak kut teh, fresh veggies, succulent chicken, and more. As we savored the delicious meal, I had the pleasure of mingling with the members, exchanging stories, and soaking in the rich history and camaraderie of fellow villagers from a bygone era. It was a heartwarming and joyous experience, filled with laughter and shared memories.